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Hilti Anchor Program
User's Manual

3.2 Main Menu Screen
The Main Menu Screen, shown in Figure 1, allows you to access all of the input categories that HAP provides. It also allows you to perform design calculations, save the design, select the units for the design and select the appropriate fastening design process.

Figure 1: The Main Menu Screen

The Main Menu Screen is subdivided into the following input categories which are accessible by double-clicking on their text headings:

  • Project
  • Anchor Selection
  • Concrete
  • Geometry
  • Loads

In addition to these data categories, the Main Menu Screen also has a menu bar at the top of the screen with following headings:

  • File
  • Edit
  • Calculate!
  • Options
  • Help

Additionally, in order to ease operation of HAP, a row of common function buttons or tool bar is located below the menu bar with the following buttons:

  • New Project
  • Open Existing Project
  • Save Current Project
  • Start Calculation
  • Exit HAP
  • Edit Data for Current Project
  • Edit Anchor Data
  • Edit Concrete Data
  • Edit Geometric Data
  • Edit Data for Anchor Plate

Finally, a graphic of the current anchor configuration being designed is shown in the bottom right hand side of the screen for quick reference.

When using HAP, you may input data either by double clicking the appropriate text heading or by clicking the appropriate button on the toolbar. As data is entered, the red arrows initially highlighting each data category are removed and when all of the arrows are removed (i.e. all the data is entered), you may begin calculating by clicking on the "Start Calculation" button.

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